Thursday, September 10, 2009


TOPIC: Creative Commons & Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS)
  • The internet is used like a giant copy machine as it doesn't care whether the work it is copying has been copyrighted in the past or not.
  • Creative Commons is a non-profit organisation; it has a set of licences that they have created for writers to stick to, if you want to put something on the internet and don't want certain parts of it to be copied you must sign up to an agreement with creative commons. To look at more about creative commons their website is located at,
  • Public domain is something which has no rights at all so anybody anywhere in the world can copy/use your work/creativity for their own use.

These are used as a simple way for creators to share their creative work with the world and the style they have, you are left with a choice to share your work or not which is referred to as 'access and control'.

Software has been created by programmers and they never use to charge for the programmes they wrote in the 1960's and 1970's they would just share it among one another because it was not very popular. These days practically every piece of software you must pay for because it has become very popular and large business depend on it to run certain things. These programs are written through source codes which is basically a set of instructions for the computer to follow so that it does what you want it to do.

A gentleman by the name of Richard Stallman started an organisation in 1981 called the Free Software Foundation, its aim was to be able to share certain software with the public free of charge which is where the operating system Linux and GNU came from. He created his own licence for freedom software which consisted of 4 Freedoms, the freedoms are as followed:

  • Freedom 0 - The freedom to run the program, for any purpose.
  • Freedom 1 - The freedom to study how the program works, and adapt it to your needs.
  • Freedom 2 - The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbour.
  • Freedom 3 - The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements to the public, so that the whole community benefits.

Freedoms have been put in place so that we are able to use our computer anyways we like, where as open source software has been created to brand it towards businesses.


TOPIC: Consumption & Production.

Big Screen Media is divided up into three different types of media which consist of; Cinema, Television and Personal Computers.

1. Cinema:
- Was always the preferred way to see media.
- Cinema was always shared between consumers to maximise their profits.
2. Television:
- Was always shared between the home and could be privately consume the media.
3. Personal Computer:
- This was primarily privately consumed but is becoming more shared as technology improves.

Small Screen Media has primarily been mobile media that can be viewed/consumed anywhere. This type of media mainly consisted of; Fixed Media Players, Personal Media Players and Mobile Phones.

1. Fixed Media Players:
- Has been able to be publicly and also privately viewed/consumed, this type of media consists of things like screens in airplanes, screens in the back of car chairs etc.
2. Personal Media Players:
- This is directed to be personally or privately consumed, things such as iPods, MP3 players and portable DVD players are used for this.
3. Mobile Phones:
- This is primarily privately consumed.

Small Screen consumption is becoming more and more popular as it is easier to download content while mobile. This means it doesn't matter where in the world you are you can still download the content you want to watch/listen to while on the move. Topics such as News and Sports have been modified/designed so that is easier to access, entertainment such as full length television shows and feature length movies file sizes are still too big to download and the screens are still to small to enjoy to the full extent. Consumers are currently ready to consume these types of entertainment now but the only thing standing in their way are the production costs and the time it takes to make them, the other problem is that nobody has been able to produce short 2-3 minute entertainment.

Consumers have come to the realisation to produce their own projects because they have taken a great interest in that area, this has brought about fans who are not happy with an ending or particular part to certain films/tv shows and made 'fan edits' some of these peoples work are located at They sometimes take the extra features from the DVD's and use them to make their fanfilm to something that appeals to them more. Sometimes consumers will do something called a 'mashup' which takes parts from a certain movie and create a trailer that describes something completely to what the movie actually is. This is CONSUMERS becoming PRODUCERS!

Large production companies have come to using consumers videos on their programs because they are their when the news story is happening and can not get their news team out their in time. CNNI Reports is a website where consumers upload the videos they have shot from their mobile phones and are sometimes made into a news story depending on the relevance.