Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cocaine Jesus

I found this story to be really sad but I am left wondering as to whether or not it is real or not..? Parts of the story seem legit but other parts I find hard to believe; I have read reports in the past where local law enforcement officers have been left out of the loop with what state and national law enforcement agencies have had planned and it has sometimes resulted in the local officer(s) being left in life threatening situations.

From the ending I gathered that the story was based in New York City so I presumed it was partly true but then I realised that from the prices they mentioned for a gram of cocaine it couldn’t be true knowing that you can get three times the amount of cocaine for the price they thought was extremely cheap... This lifts a lot of the sadness I felt at first knowing that the character in the story is not an actual police officer being killed doing the duty their job requests.

All in all the way they have set out the story line makes it enjoyable to watch, the ending is really unexpecting from the way they have set it out from the beginning. Some of the words go through the screen a little too fast for the average person who is watching it to read but I feel they have done that to set the mood as to how the characters emotions are at the time.

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