Thursday, August 13, 2009

Personal Communication Experiences

The only personal communication technology I've used in the past has been social networking sites. I created a myspace profile st the end of 2006/beginning of 2007; I got bored with that pretty quickly and stopped using it until facebook was created, I held off creating a profile on their for a while until a few mates had made one and sussed out how to navigate through it.

On each of these social networks I set it up for privacy so that people I didn't know couldn't see my personal details. I only ever added people I had met/was friends with or my family, it was good for when you found friends from primary school that you were good mates with but had lost touch with over time. I would never make friends through the internet because you never know if the person on the other end is telling the truth about themselves or not.

One thing I really like about facebook though if that it has online games on their and you can play with your friends; such as poker, it saves time by not having to wait for everybody to come around and set up the poker gear, it is ready for you when you sign in online.

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